Turnkey Construction Company in Kerala by GreenToday Architects and Engineers

GreenToday Architects: The Best Turnkey Construction Company in Kerala

Discover the ultimate Turnkey Construction Company in Kerala, GreenToday Architects and Engineers, that brings your dreams to life with precision, expertise, and unmatched quality.

From concept to completion, we've got you covered!

It was and is a long cherished dream of Deepak and Rima to have a well-executed home of their own in Kochi. They had been nurturing their ideas and visions regarding the home for the last five years since their marriage. Now their only son, Rohit is in LKG. Worn out of searching for a suitable plot to build their home, every day after their hectic work schedule, they almost kept their dream aside and believed they would have to live only in some apartment for the rest of their life.
At this juncture, they came to know about GreenToday Architects, the greatest builder and construction company in Kerala, and their turnkey construction. They visited the office of GreenToday Architects and heard about their turnkey construction directly from them, bearing their strategy, quality, and experience. Detailed interactions took place and Deepak and Rima entrusted the construction along with procuring the land of their choice with GreenToday Architects. Eventually, they celebrated their son’s next birthday in their magnificent home, created by GreenToday Architects.
The turnkey construction of GreenToday Architects helped them to manifest their dreams. To know it, a step-by-step guide is mentioned below.
Water Proofing methods in Malayalam

Procurement of land

GreenToday Architects has an in-house team of experts who can buy suitable land of your choice and need and buy it for you. The legal team will go through the deeds, tax receipts, encumbrance certificate, etc., and finalize the registration. We are competent enough to find out a suitable land for you or you can direct us to negotiate a plot of your choice.

Soil testing

Soil testing is mandatory for GreenToday Architects to find out the nature of the soil based on the type of basement that is found and made. Only by considering the soil type, we will be able to draft the idea of how many floors be made and how much weight must be laid over the basement.

Architectural design

The architect and his team of GreenToday Architects will have a detailed discussion with the client and absorb his vision and ideas regarding the nature of the house. Inputs will be given by the team and based on all these, an architectural design draft will be drawn with due interior design also. This will be subjected to further discussions and revamping. Thus, the final blueprint is produced.

Project Management Consultancy

The in-house Project Management Consultancy (PMC) of GreenToday Architects will design the budget incorporating the design, work patterns and schedules, and materials cost. This will be the projected budget, but will never deviate from the actual budget. Without compromising the quality of materials, the PMC team will connect with various vendors and seek quotations, and among them, the one which keeps high quality and cost-effectiveness will be selected. High experience in this portfolio helps the client to get the best materials.

Electricity and Water connection

GreenToday Architects will direct the client to apply for electricity and water connection. Further, a well will also be constructed for round a clock supply of water.

Contract Agreement

GreenToday Architects has an in-house team of contractors and tie-ups with external teams also. No compromise will be done on the quality of work. A detailed contract agreement will be drawn, mentioning the schedule of work and payment and the time of completion of each phase.


The GreenToday Architects team comprising of our senior civil engineer Mr. Faizal. M. Asan, other engineers, contractors, and technicians will display the magic of construction from foundation to construction of the first floor, erection of windows and doors, roofing, construction of second-floor installation of plumbing, electrical, and air conditioning provisions, and finally the finishing works including roofing, plumbing, wiring, tiling, etc.

Interior Decoration

Based on the plan, the interior design of each room will be conducted by assimilating the client’s views and needs. Each room will be designed in such a way that each will have a distinct individuality and flavor but sink in with the overall aura. Artifacts, consumables, sofa sets, light fittings, cots and beds, curtains, blinds, and appliances, all will be arranged in a highly aesthetic manner. Spacing, paint color, and lighting will enhance the beauty of your interiors.

Exterior design

Like the interior, the exterior design is also prepared by GreenToday Architects with due compound walling, pavements, lawn creation, lighting, ponds, etc. in an exquisite manner because appreciation from a visitor will be got from the exterior of your house.

Green construction

Being the forerunner of Green Building, GreenToday Architects uses sustainable building features which encompass water conservation and management, solar energy utilization, energy efficiency, and waste management, and the use of sustainable construction materials. This will protect human health, boosts ecology, and preserve water and energy.

Home Automation

Home automation is the need of tomorrow. All safety features including surveillance systems, home appliances, entertainment, culinary appliances, and plumbing features, etc. will be connected to your fingertips with the aid of Wi-Fi and electronic gadgets.

Safety features

All safety features will be incorporated in the construction of your house by GreenToday Architects which will resist the undue infiltration of natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, and lightning and man-made calamities like short circuits.


The relationship of Green Today Architects with the client will enter a new phase after the completion and handing over of the project. We will offer you a one year warranty and lifetime support for any maintenance that comes out even though we had already done waterproofing, termite treatment, etc.
Turnkey Construction Company in Kerala

Turnkey Construction Company in Kerala

GreenToday Architects is a pioneer Turnkey Construction Company in Kerala which had realized elegant residential villas and flats, business apartments and offices, commercial complexes and malls, educational institutions, and government offices with astonishing craftsmanship, quality control, world-class experience, and transparent dealings. We offer a construction package to our clients which consists of all turnkey aspects. Mr. Faizal M Asan,  the Senior Civil Engineer, who has been in taking up and materializing various engineering projects in India and the Middle East, is our driving force. With his and his team’s dedicated service, a no-compromise stand in achieving quality, and a high scholastic project management team, GreenToday Architects is creating wonders every day. Our turnkey construction has endowed hundreds of repeated and referral customers.